Collegeville Institute Lectures
Submissions from 2022
(Presentation) Lunch and Learn: Tales from a Piano Bench and a Bicycle Seat: The Art of Listening in a Fractured World, George Maurer
(Presentation) Collegeville Connections: A Conversation on Mental Health & Rural Ministry, Jessie Bazan, Heather Culuris, Kimberly Knowle-Zeller, and Brittney Marshall
(Presentation) Collegeville Connections: Praying with our Pens on Ash Wednesday, Carol Davis Younger
(Presentation) Collegeville Connections: A Call to Sabbath, Claire Wolfteich and Jesse Bazan
(Presentation) Collegeville Connections: The End of Burnout, Jonathan Malesic, Carla Durand, and Jacqueline Bussie
Submissions from 2021
(Presentation) Collegeville Connections: A Pilgrim’s Calling Through Advent, Christina Braudaway-Bauman, Jessie Bazan, and Jane Patterson
(Presentation) Collegeville Connections: Spirituality, Song, and Social Justice, Carla Durand, Don E. Saliers, and Emily Saliers
(Presentation) A Conversation on Labor, Religion, Politics, and Public Engagement: A conversation between the AFL-CIO’s Damon Silvers and Jubilee USA Network’s Eric LeCompte, Damon Silvers and Eric LeCompte
(Presentation) Collegeville Connections: Spiritual Leadership in Times of Crisis - The Conversation Continues, Aaron Weininger and Abby Henderson
(Presentation) Lunch and Learn: Virgil Michel's Benedictine Vision of a World Where All Have Enough, Eric LeCompte
(Presentation) Collegeville Connections: Merton on My Mind, Sophfronia Scott
(Presentation) Collegeville Connections: Raising Kids for a Just World, Lydia Wylie-Kellermann and Bill Wylie-Kellermann
(Presentation) Collegeville Connections: Publishing for Christian Writers, Jevon Bolden and Ellie Roscher
(Presentation) Collegeville Connections: The Jubilee Promise: Biblical Solutions to the Global COVID-19 Crisis, Eric LeCompte
(Presentation) Collegeville Connections: Three Collegeville Institute Poets, Angela Alaimo O’Donnell, Shann Ray, and Betsy Johnson
(Presentation) Collegeville Connections: Jazz for the Soul: The Life & Music of Mary Lou Williams, Deanna Witkowski
(Presentation) Collegeville Connections: Islamic Teachings on Jesus: Prophet, Messiah, and Son of Mary, Imam Tamim Imam Tamim Saidi and Dr. Marty Dr. Marty Stortz
(Presentation) Collegeville Connections: Jesus’ Body in The Saint John’s Bible: A Lenten and Easter Reflection, Susan Sink
(Presentation) Collegeville Connections: Benedictine Monasticism as a Way of Life: Its Origins and Future, Columba Stewart OSB
(Presentation) Collegeville Connections: Telling Refugee Stories, Kao Kalia Yang and Jessica Goudeau
(Presentation) Collegeville Connections: All Ashes are Not the Same, Heidi Neumark
(Presentation) Collegeville Connections: Anti-racism and the Catholic Church, Tia Noelle Pratt
(Presentation) Collegeville Connections: Metaphor as a Tool for Discernment, Jane Patterson and Jessie Bazan
(Presentation) Collegeville Connections: The Threads of Vocation: Saint Benedict’s Table Weaving Project, Rachel Twigg Boyce
(Presentation) Collegeville Connections: Bonhoeffer and Our Moral Selves in History, Victoria J. Barnett
(Presentation) Collegeville Connections: From Parties to Policy: Asset Based Community Development, De'Amon Harges and Mike Mather
Submissions from 2019
(Presentation) The Community of Friends of God: An Exploration in Muslim-Christian Comparative Theology of Sainthood, Hans A. Harmakaputra
(Presentation) The legacy of natural species and substantial form for Thomistic evolution, James R. Hofmann
(Presentation) Cultivating Compassion:Insights Drawn from Buddhist and Benedictine Practices, Ajahn Jotipālo, Michael Peterson OSB, and Danica Simonet
Submissions from 2018
(Presentation) Hindu Monks and Missionaries in Late Modernity: Reflections of a Christian Comparative Theologian, Reid Locklin
(Presentation) The Migrant's Double Vision: Understanding Pope Francis' Culture of Encounter, Jaisy A. Joseph
(Presentation) Shusaku Endo as a Theologian of the Cross: Silence Through a Lutheran Perspective, Toshihiro Takamura
Submissions from 2017
(Presentation) Vocation and the Liberal Arts: A Quest for Purpose, William Sullivan
(Presentation) Is Depression a Sin? A Christian Interpretation of Depression, Jessica Coblentz
(Presentation) From Colonization to Occupation: Israel and the Palestintians, Arland Jacobson
(Presentation) Play & Wisdom: Liturgy and the Liberal Arts, Brendan McInerny
Submissions from 2016
(Presentation) Calling in Today's World: Multifaith Perspectives, Amy Eilberg, Anantanand Rambachan, Mark Unno, and Kathleen A. Cahalan
(Presentation) Re-membering the Body: Joint Commemoration of the Reformation 2017, Catherine E. Clifford
Submissions from 2015
(Presentation) Between Constantinople and Jerusalem: Music and Sacred Ritual in Medieval Slavia Orthodoxa, Gregory Myers and Anna Levy
(Presentation) Toward a Noncompetitive Theology of the Church: Reflections on the Enduring Significance of Vatican II, Richard Gaillardetz
(Presentation) Life in Modern Russia: A Citizen’s Perspective, Natalia Pecherskaya
(Performance) Astonishment and Joy, Robin Gallaher Branch
(Presentation) Technoculture and Transcendence: A Theological Exploration of Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam Trilogy, Anthony Siegrist
(Presentation) Just War or Just Peace? Making Peace not War with the People of Iraq, Weldon Nisly
(Presentation) The Emperor's Translation, Ezekiel's Vision, and Luke's Flesh and Bones: Mapping Early Resurrection Meaning, Shelly Matthews
Submissions from 2014
(Presentation) Syriac Poetry of the Mongol Time: from Monasteries to the Royal Tents, Anton Pritula
(Presentation) Mending a Tattered Faith: How to Read Poetry Devotionally, Susan VanZanten
(Performance) Cello, Piano, Haeguem & the Bible, Paul Huh
(Presentation) Ecological Footprints: Climate Change from a Franciscan Perspective, Dawn Nothwehr OSF
(Presentation) Sex and Other Matters: It's Not a Matter of Who's Right, Timothy Sedgwick
(Presentation) Artfully Engaged in God's Redemptive Purposes for the World: Christian Formation and Integration around Scripture, Mary Schertz
(Presentation) Trying to be Perfect: The Latest Adventures in the Syriac Book of Steps, Robert A. Kitchen
(Presentation) The Classroom at the End of the World - When Glamour Beckons, Can Benedictine Values Compete?, Gerald Schlabach
(Presentation) Paul, the Apostle, Michael Patella OSB and František Trstenský
(Presentation) The Embodiment of Love: The Eucharist as a Mystery to be Celebrated, Believed, and Lived, Michael Driscoll
(Presentation) Liturgy as the Heart of Pope John Paul's Social Encyclicals, Charlotte Joy Martin
Submissions from 2013
(Presentation) The Deep South: Beauty, Brutality, and the Mystery of a Great Paradox, Barb Matz
(Presentation) Keeping the 'Catholic' in Catholic Higher Education: Strategies for Church and Academy, William C. Graham and William Cahoy
(Presentation) Married Saints? Come to Know Georges & Pauline Vanier, Mary Frances Coady
(Presentation) Dark Night of the Soul, Jenell Paris and Janel Bakker
(Presentation) As You Celebrate, So You Live: A Liturgical Approach on Christian Ethics, Paulachan Kochappilly CMI
(Presentation) Dual Belonging: Why Can't I Be Both Presbyterian and Catholic?, Sally McGill
(Presentation) Spiritual Effects of Clergy Sexual Abuse of Women in the Roman Catholic Church, Barbara R. McLaughlin
(Presentation) Is God Going to Save Us from the Ecological Mess We're In? An Introduction to Eco-Theology, Dan Brunner
(Presentation) The History of Christianity in Iraq/Mesopotamia: Yesterday and Today, Najeeb Michaeel OP
(Presentation) A Babel of Languages in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Stephen Reed
Submissions from 2012
(Presentation) Theotokos in Ethiopia: Praise and Adoration She Enjoys in the Nation, Mersha Mengistie
(Presentation) Attention, Work and Well-Being. What Happens When We "Pay Attention" to the Work We Are Doing?, Sam Thomas
(Presentation) The Joy Factor, Jep Hostetler PhD
(Presentation) A Painting, a Parable, and my Friend, Henri Nouwen, Sue Mosteller CSJ
Submissions from 2011
(Presentation) Got Acedia? Who Cares? A panel discussion of Kathleen Norris' book Acedia & me : a marriage, monks, and a writer's life, Kathleen Norris, Paul-Vincent Niebauer OSB, and Josue Behnen OSB