"First Occurrence of Lithostrotion (Diphyphyllum) from the Mississippia" by Devin M. McLemore and Jennifer E. Hargrave

Author Keywords

rugose coral, Jarvis Peak Quadrangle, Basin and Range Province, Colorado Plateau, Beaver Dam Anticline


The Paleozoic stratigraphy of the Beaver Dam Mountains of southwestern Utah correlates well with the better known deposits of the Grand Canyon, Arizona. However, a detailed list of the fossil fauna from the Beaver Dam Mountains is lacking. Here we describe a rugose coral from the Mississippian Redwall Limestone from Washington Country, Utah. The rugose coral is highly recrystallized, but identified as Lithostrotion (Diphyphyllum) based on morphology and geographic extent. An analysis was conducted to determine conodont zonation, but proved inconclusive. This is the first documented case of Lithostrotion (Diphyphyllum) from the Beaver Dam Mountains.



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