The Vocational Cycle to Support Institutional Justice: A Pathway for Scholars of Color to Transform Institutional Life and Governance

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



Arts and Humanities | Education | Educational Leadership | Higher Education | Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies | Religion


Chapter Description:
“This chapter seeks to address how faculty and administrators of color engage institutional life and governance to create and sustain racially just institutional cultures. Critical to the discussion is understanding how personal vocation can be used as an agent of change, moving institutions of higher education towards greater racial justice. While the topic is being engaged at the institutional level, the central thesis of the chapter is that when electing to serve an institution and committing to creating a more just institution, one must discern, be faithful to, and promote personal vocational aspirations and allow them to drive the daily work that shapes the institution.[…]It is only by understanding and acting upon this [Vocational Cycle to Support Institutional Justice] between the institution and the individual that institutional justice can be achieved.”

Book Description:
Cultural and ethnic diversity is the reality of our world, and much more so in this age of heightened globalization. Yet, do our ways of doing theological education match with our current reality and hopes for a colorful and just tomorrow? How shall we do theological formation so it helps give birth to a culturally diverse, racially just, and hospitable world? This edited volume gathers the voices of minoritized scholars and their white allies in the profession in response to the above questions. More particularly, this volume gathers the responses of these scholars to the questions: What is the plight of theological education? Who are the teachers? Who are our students? What shall we teach? How shall we teach? How shall we form and lead theological institutions? It is the hope of this volume to contribute to the making of theological education that is hospitably just to difference/s and welcoming of our diverse population, which is our only viable future. When we embody this vision in our daily educational practices, particularly in the training of our future religious leaders, we may help usher in a new, colorful, and just world.
